Parish twinning is a program which allows Catholic churches across the United States to develop and maintain relationships with parishes in underdeveloped countries. The goal of this program in to maintain real personal connections between countries and to encourage visits and correspondence between parishes. Twinned parishes can provide resources and support in religious, educational, medical, and economic areas.
Saint Joseph has established a twin relationship with Our Lady of Assumption in Tacana, Guatemala. This parish contains 60,000 parishioners, 137 villages, and 4,000 pastoral workers, many of which are poor, but rich in faith. Our goal through this parish twinning is to build relationships in the spirit of solidarity. It is an opportunity where we can learn from and help each other.
Additionally, Saint Joseph sends regular medical and building delegations to Tacana as well as provides funds for the needs of the parish. Our next building delegation will visit in November.
Contact Tom Reichert for more information at 770.422.5633 x25