Please contact the Faith Formation Office to register for Confirmation.
Pongase en contacto con la Oficina de Formación de Fe para registrarse para la Confirmacion.
Yvonne Waits, Admin: 770-422-5633 X55 or
During their eighth and ninth grade years, our young parishioners have the opportunity to complete their sacraments of initiation by preparing for the sacrament of Confirmation. Confirmation brings to each person the spiritual gifts needed in order to mature and grow in their faith and to be steadfast in the face of difficulty.
St. Joseph Catholic Church has a vibrant and active confirmation program. We are blessed to have an abundance of wonderful adults, young and old, who love sharing the faith with young people to assist us in their formation program. They are compassionate, devoted, and well informed on matters of the Catholic faith. We look forward to working with you!
Year 1: 8th Grade (EDGE)
Young people typically begin their formation for Confirmation in the 8th grade. The 8th graders begin their preparation by going to EDGE Youth Minsitry weekly. This year is focused on solidifying the teachings of the Church, a life of prayer, and an understanding of the moral life of a Catholic.
EDGE Youth Ministry is offered at two different times each week:
1) Wednesday nights at 5:45PM
2) Sunday afternoons at 4:00PM
To keep in mind, 8th graders may also fulfill their Confirmation requirements by attending a Catholic school.
Year 2: 9th Grade Year (Life Teen)
The second year of formation will lead 9th graders into Life Teen Youth Minsitry where they will be engaged in activities with others preparing for Confirmation as well as those who have already received the Sacrament and are seeking to deepen their faith journey.
9th graders Confirmation formation takes place on Sunday evenings following the 5:30PM Mass from 6:30-8:00PM or on Wednesdays from 5:45-7:00PM.
Please Click Below for Important Forms
Please Click Below for Forms
If you have an older teen or one that needs more sacraments than confirmation, please contact Joseph Carter.
Contact Us:
Joseph Carter, LIFE TEEN High School Youth Minister,; (770) 422-5633, ext. 56 or
Paulina Rodriguez, LIFE TEEN High School Youth Minister,; (770) 422-5633, ext. 75
For Registration Questions:
Yvonne Waits, Admin,; (770) 422-5633, ext. 55