Outreach Commission

Outreach Commission Chair: John Moran, moran88@bellsouth.net

Disability Ministry/Fun Night!

Ministry Lead: Charlie Mullaney | sjccdisabilities@gmail.com

FUN NIGHT! is an evening of fun and socialization for children and adults with disabilities. By gathering volunteers with children and adults with disabilities, it builds community by having the opportunity to participate in fellowship. It also provides an opportunity for respite for parents and/or caregivers. FUN NIGHT! is open to any child or adult with a disability, regardless of religious affiliation.

Extraordinary Ministries of Holy Communion [Outside of Mass]

Ministry Lead: Tom Reichert | treichert@saintjosephcc.org | (770) 422-5633 ext. 25

We bring the Eucharist to a large number of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, Kennestone Hospital, and to those who are confined and unable to attend Mass. Please contact Tom Reichert if you know of someone who could benefit from this ministry, or if you might be interested in becoming an extraordinary minister.

Habitat for Humanity

Ministry Lead: Bart Henderson | bart3henderson@gmail.com

Saint Joseph parish is part of the Catholic coalition supporting Habitat for Humanity. These houses are sold to low-income families at no profit, with zero-interest mortgages. Announcements will be posted in the bulletin and in the church.

Knights of Columbus

Ministry Lead: Richard Walsh | walshrichard522@gmail.com

A Catholic Family Fraternal Service Organization. Knights are men, 18 years and older, who are committed to making their community a better place, while supporting their church.

For more information please click here.

Mission Team to Guatemala

Ministry Lead: Tom Reichert | treichert@saintjosephcc.org | (770) 422-5633 ext. 25

Our Catholic faith is universal. It is not bound to race, culture, language or country. In this it is a great hope for humanity, seeking to defend basic human dignity and the transcendent dimension of the human person. Each year, we bring a Building Team and a Medical Team to our sister parish, Our Lady of the Assumption in Guatemala.

Must Breakfast Ministry

Ministry Lead: Toby Miller | druetoby@bellsouth.net | (404) 229-9414

Volunteers from St. Joseph Church provide and cook food and serve breakfast at MUST Ministries on the first three Wednesdays and the second Tuesday of each month.  Each breakfast team includes a captain, three team members, and one food only provider.  The captain and team members meet at the MUST Elizabeth Street shelter at 5:30 AM to cook breakfast and serving is done before 7:00 AM. Volunteers sign up for their preferred MUST breakfast each month using a Flocknote invitation generated by the coordinator.

Prison Ministry

Ministry Lead: Deacon Norm Keller | deaconnorm@yahoo.com | (985) 974-9174 or (678) 594-6597

A Catholic presence is maintained every week at the Cobb County Jail. Please let Deacon Norm know of any requests for a Catholic Chaplain at Cobb County Jail. Pray for all inmates and victims, their families, and prison employees.Pray for the abolishment of the death penalty.

New and gently used Catholic Bibles and reading materials greatly appreciated (Rosary Beads are no longer allowed at the jail).

Respect for Life

Ministry Lead: Hannah & Jim Martin | jmartin30@bellsouth.net | (770) 427-7457

Respect for Life group promotes the sacredness of human life from the moment of conception to the moment of natural death.  Among the activities in which our group participates and supports are prayer vigils, adoration, “40 Days for Life,” Crossroads Pro-Life Walks Across America, Sheltering Grace, Respect Life Sunday and Pregnancy Crisis Centers.  Our group seeks to counter the perils of the “culture of death” through education and information.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Ministry Lead: David Jones | djones.svdp@gmail.com | (770) 425-5158

The Society is a Catholic organization of lay people who seek, in a spirit of justice and charity, to help those who are marginalized. Caseworkers are always a primary need, but there are many other areas, including our food pantry, our thrift store, and special projects for those who wish to volunteer in this rewarding ministry. Training is provided. Our St. Vincent de Paul Society also provides and serves a hearty meal two times a month at the Extension for men, and once a month at the Extension for women. Cooks and servers always are welcome. The Extension program is comprehensive, and long-term residential recovery program for addicted men and women.

Senior Social

Ministry Lead: Tom Reichert | treichert@saintjosephcc.org | (770) 422-5633 ext. 25

Join us the third Friday of each month for the noon Mass, followed by a luncheon in the Music Room. Volunteers are welcome to join in singing, socializing, serving, and cleanup as we enjoy fellowship.

Separated/Divorced Support Group

Ministry Lead: Durland | georgiamccaslins@yahoo.com| (770) 795-7981

This group offers emotional and spiritual support for those who are going through the hurtful time of losing partners, or who may have already experienced separation or divorce. This group meets weekly, please contact Duland for more information.

Walking With Moms in Need

Ministry Lead: Megann Tuck | jmealtuck@bellsouth.net

An initiative to accompany local pregnant and parenting women in difficult circumstances. Click here for more information.

Widows/Widowers Social Group

Ministry Lead: Donna Krache | donnakrache@gmail.com

A support group for widows and widowers. This group meets monthly. Our activities and times vary, so please contact Donna for more information.

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