Step One: Complete a Pledge Form
Choose the amount and frequency you wish to contribute (weekly, monthly, or annually). Note: this is a 3-year campaign. If you wish to contribute over a period other than 3 years, please feel free to do so. Enter your pledge at the link to the right.
Step Two: Set Up Your Contribution
Click the link on the right to set up your online contribution. All online donations are made through a secure PCI-compliant portal. You can set up a recurring payment to match your pledge card or make a one-time donation. Consider making a gift to Saint Joseph in memory of a loved one or in gratitude for, or celebration of, a special occasion.
Please be sure to return a Pledge Card regardless of your payment method.
No pledge is too small. Commitments of just $10 per week will make a huge difference to our campaign!
Click below to make your pledge electronically.
Click below to set up your capital campaign contribution. You may set up a recurring payment or make a one-time donation.
Make a Pledge
Pledge Cards are available in the narthex for those who prefer this method. These can be placed in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to the Church:
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
87 Lacy Street
Marietta, GA 30060
Make a Contribution
Clearly labeled contributions may be placed in the collection basket at Mass or mailed to the Church:
Saint Joseph Catholic Church
87 Lacy Street
Marietta, GA 30060
To make a contribution from an IRA or to donate stock please contact our Finance Manager, Mackenzie Zorrilla,